What Church Is Giving Out Free Turkeys In 2024?
Do you want to share the joy of this holiday with your family and friends but don’t have enough money to buy a turkey? Wondering what church is giving out free turkeys? You’re not alone. Many people struggle to make ends meet, especially in these challenging times. That’s why some churches are stepping up to help their communities by giving out free turkeys to those in need.
What Church Is Giving Out Free Turkeys?
Many churches offer free turkeys to people in need, especially during the holiday season. National churches like the Salvation Army can ask you to register in advance, while others can have a first-come, first-served basis.

Other churches, like your local ones, can have other criteria, such as income level, family size, or membership status. Here are some churches giving out free turkeys and their giveaway details:
1. Grace Community Church, Dallas
The Grace Community Church in Dallas, Texas, has been hosting an annual turkey giveaway for the past 10 years, and this year, they are planning to distribute 5,000 turkeys to families who register online or in person.
Event Date: Saturday, November 18th
Event Timings: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Location: Church Parking Lot
All you need to do is show up with your ID and proof of address, and you will receive a free turkey, along with some other goodies like stuffing, cranberry sauce, and bread.
2. New Life Church, Chicago
The New Life Church in Chicago, Illinois, has partnered with the Greater Chicago Food Depository and other local organizations to provide 3,000 turkeys to low-income households in the city.
Event Date: Sunday, November 19th
Event Timings: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: Church’s Main Campus
You can register online or call the church office to reserve your turkey. While you wait for your turkey, you can enjoy live music, games, and prizes. While this church is giving out free turkeys, their aim is to reduce hunger and increase happiness during the festival.
3. Faith Baptist Church, Orlando
They are hosting a Turkey Drive-Thru. The church is giving out free turkeys, and all you have to do is show up and register, and you’ll get a delicious turkey to take home and enjoy with your family and friends.
Event Date: Saturday, November 18th
Event Timings: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Location: Church’s Main Campus
No connections are involved; it is just a gesture of love and gratitude from the church and its volunteers to the community.
4. Hope Church in Los Angeles
The Hope Church is a friendly and welcoming community that wants to share the joy of the holiday season with everyone. The church is giving out free turkeys to anyone who signs up on their website or calls their phone number. You will also receive a box of food and a pie.
Event Date: Saturday, November 18th
Event Timings: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: Church Courtyard
You can pick up your turkey at the church on the day before Thanksgiving or have it delivered to your home for a small fee. During the holiday, food is not the only priority; house maintenance is a priority, too. Now you can seek help from churches to help you with yard work!!!
5. Grace Lutheran Church, Oakwood
They have a drive-through service from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. You can pick up a turkey sandwich, a bag of chips, and a bottle of water for free.
Event Date: Saturday, November 25th
Event Timings: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Location: 123 Main Street, Oakwood
The church is giving out free turkeys in the hope of spreading some joy and gratitude in the community during these challenging times. The event is open to anyone who needs a turkey for Thanksgiving; no questions are asked.
If you want to find out if there is a church near you that is doing the same, you can search online or contact your local food bank or community center. You may be surprised by how many generous people are willing to help you celebrate this special occasion.
While location-specific churches offering free turkeys are mentioned above, there are national churches, too. Each church is giving out free turkeys near me and you, and the list is mentioned below:

6. Episcopal Church
The Episcopal Church, Downtown, is hosting a free turkey giveaway. The church hopes to provide a festive meal for those who are struggling during these difficult times. The church is giving out free turkeys, but the offer is limited to one turkey per household while supplies last.
Event Date: Saturday, November 25th
Event Timings: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Location: Church Campus
7. First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church is giving out free turkeys through a community event. This community event is open to everyone who needs a turkey for Thanksgiving. No registration or proof of income is required. Just arrive at the church parking lot and receive a frozen turkey while their resources remain.
Event Date: Saturday, November 25th
Event Timings: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Location: 123 Main Street, Anytown
8. United Methodist Church
This church is giving out free turkeys near me and you. It is their way of showing generosity to the community during the Thanksgiving season. Anyone who needs a turkey is welcome to come and receive one.
Event Date: Saturday, November 25th
Event Timings: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Location: Church Parking Lot
9. The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army is hosting a free turkey giveaway for anyone struggling to afford a meal. At the designated locations, participants can receive a frozen turkey and a bag of groceries. The giveaway is part of the Salvation Army’s mission to serve the community and share God’s love.
Event Date: Saturday, November 25th
Event Timings: Not Mentioned
Location: Church Campus
10. Loaves and Fishes of St. Louis
This church is giving out free turkeys near me and you. Not only turkey, but you can also get a free meal box during the holiday season from the organization.
The “Turkey Time STL” event is their yearly Thanksgiving Food Drive, where they hand out over 300+ boxes of food to give struggling families a great meal. Each box includes a turkey, stuffing, fresh produce, rolls, pumpkin pie, etc.
Event Date: Saturday, November 25th
Event Timings: Not Mentioned
Location: Church Campus
11. Feeding America
Feeding America supports local food banks and food pantries to provide free food for needy people. One of their programs is the free turkey giveaway, which offers free turkeys or other proteins to families who want to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Event Date: Saturday, November 25th
Event Timings: Not Mentioned
Location: Church Campus
People Also Ask
You wish to celebrate Thanksgiving with the turkeys offered by these churches, but you must also have certain questions. Here are the three most-asked questions about how the church is giving out free turkeys:
Is there a free-range turkey?
Yes, they are raised with access to outdoor space to roam. People tend to believe that this makes for better-tasting meat.
What are the criteria to get a free turkey from church?
There are no criteria to fulfill, but national churches would want you to pre-register.
How do I get a free turkey from Ibotta?
Download Ibotta – Add Thanksgiving dinner offers – Submit your receipt – Celebrate.
Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful for what we have and to share it with others. But not everyone can afford to buy a turkey for this special occasion. That’s why the churches mentioned above are giving out free turkeys to those in need as a way of showing their love and compassion. The church is giving out free turkeys and promoting assistance for the needy, even during the festive season.